Matthew Del Degan was inspired to create Lovebot after he shared a heart-to-heart sitting face-to-face with a strange while riding a Toronto streetcar. Lovebot is native to Canada. Displayed proudly in its chest, the Hero Heart symbol is a unique embodiment of its very own red maple leaf. An original one-foot concrete Lovebot is Canadian right down to the size one Robertson screws that fasten its locally-produced wooden box to the matching lid, branded using a hot metal press. These special Canadian screws were purchased directly through Robertson Inc., a company established by a Canadian, P.L. Robertson in 1908. In 2019, Del Degan visited the original factory building in Milton, Ontario to discover where Robertson created his then new innovation: the square-headed screw. Lovebot is also a square-headed Canadian design. Del Degan’s relentless quest to establish Lovebot as a truly Canadian icon has even lead to sourcing the biodegradable wheat starch packing foam from a Canadian distributor. Wheat is Canada’s largest grossing crop of all exported agricultural products.
Ultimately, Lovebot is symbolic of positive ideologies, a quality for which Canadians are renowned the world over. Standing strong and free, Lovebot is a symbol of people's ability to love and be loved despite the robotic routines that structure our urban lives. It is a reminder to love within and beyond technology, to never use our faceless devices blindly but instead use them with heart. Each original Lovebot sculpture has been created to withstand the test of time and to inspire stories well beyond our own lifetimes. They have been made by hand and with love to remind us that love is the true foundation of the concrete jungle. Lovebot compels us to champion kindness, something truly concrete in this often digital world.